Yvonne Craig Shoe Size and Body Measurements

Yvonne Craig has a medium shoe size. Below is all you want to know about Yvonne Craig’s body measurements, and more!
Short Bio
Yvonne was born May 16, 1937 in Taylorville, Illinois. She started her professional career as a ballet dancer but slowly moved towards movies and TV. Her notable TV series include The Wild Wild West, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Ghost & Mrs. Muir, and Star Trek. In last mentioned, Craig played slave girl from Orion with green ski and revealing dress that made her exceptional measurements to stand out.
Body Measurements Table
All body measurements including for example shoe size, height and weight.
Body shape: | Hourglass |
Dress size (US): | N/A |
Breasts-Waist-Hips: | 37-23-36 inches (94-58-91 cm) |
Shoe size (US): | 7 |
Bra size: | 34C |
Cup size (US): | C |
Height: | 5’3″ (160 cm) |
Weight: | 120 lbs (54 kg) |
Natural breasts or implants: | Natural |
"Everybody in their own imagination decides what scary is."
Yvonne Craig
"I have had strange animals as pets all my life. I was shy growing up, and shy people tend to interact better with animals than people. Animals are direct, not duplicitous."
Yvonne Craig
"When you are doing a show, it can get really dull. You are sitting so long while they set up the lights, then you say a couple of lines, then they tear down the lights again. At least stunts are something that uses your physical energy a great deal."
Yvonne Craig
"I haven't collected memorabilia. I am not a person who lives in the past."
Yvonne Craig